nobility of the islamic medical tradition

The modern ruthless medical industry is a parasitic system that hands over the health and wealth of its citizens to a capitalist nexus of corporate Medical institutions and Insurance companies. Even the US, the most powerful and wealthy capitalist nation in the world, does not provide free healthcare to its citizens. Then there is the mercy of Islam which teaches religious community sponsored free healthcare for all. The Quran is called Ash Shifa - The Cure - meaning a cure for every ailment - spiritual and physical, for an individual and a civilization. The Islamic Medical Revolution emphasised experimental and observational medicine, the Hospital as an indispensable free public institution and healthcare as a truly noble, philanthropic practice. 

correctly understanding the ahadith on contagion

The Ahadith related to contagion and quarantine have to be interpreted in a manner commensurate with axiomatic Qur’anic principles and within the parameters of the Shari’ah. Tibb An-Nabawi gives us the appropriate tools wherewith to correctly interpret the relevant Ahadith related to contagion. Modern allopathic Muslim doctors are not regarded as a legitimate point of reference in determining what is Islamically valid. In fact Muslim doctors the world over have stood guilty of deplorable betrayal of the Prophetic medical tradition as codified in the classical Islamic healing paradigm of Tibb an-Nabawii. They are no more than servants of the parasitic petrochemical industry forged a century ago. The COVID-19 scamdemic has ripped the mask from the pretentions to legitimacy and the noxious hypocrisy of the modern Medical industry, and highlights the embarrassing, though unwitting, Muslim medical complicity in perpetuating human suffering.

afghan holocaust

Mahatma Gandhi when asked what he thought of Western civilization famously replied “I think it would be a good idea”. The horrendous realities of the US Alliance-imposed Afghan Genocide are ignored by Western MSM. The mendacious and Zionist-beholden Americans invaded Iraq in March 2003 on the basis of non-existent Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction at the behest of Israel. The US then invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 on the false basis that afghans were complicit in the September 11 attacks. The Americans then embarked on a 2-decade genocidal atrocity in which 6.8 million Afghans were murdered. So the recent  victory of the Afghan mujahidin over the Occupation forces have to be commended, their extraordinary courage, fervent religious faith, and the support from the overwhelming majority of the impoverished Afghan population.

death of the dumb

The implications of US defeat in Afghanistan are immense. We are on the verge of witnessing events rapidly unfolding over the next few weeks and months which are enormously important for not just Muslims but all the oppressed people of the world. Afghanistan has returned to the people who fought against their occupiers for their homeland. The Afghans have written a whole new script, showing the lands of Islam, as well as the Global South, how to defeat the self-referential, seemingly invincible US/NATO empire. The Afghans did it with Islamic faith, patience and force of will with minimal formal military training, no backing of any state - unlike Vietnam, which had China and the USSR - no hundreds of billions of dollars from NATO, no trained army, no air force and no state-of-the-art technology. Undoubtedly, the humiliating withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan also reveals the fragile power of the US in the world today which implies that the US is on the brink of severe decline.

global COVID19 fascism vaccination & transhumanism

The 2020 lock down tyranny is just the beginning of a MUCH LARGER PLAN which seeks WORLDWIDE COMPLIANCE by ...Forfeiting of Ownership of any and ALL PRIVATE PROPERTY ...Acceptance of a Universal Basic Income, what is euphemistically called the Global reset - I call it neo-feudalism, a primitive unimaginative default European instinct from the dark ages ...Enrolling in the covid-19 and covid-21 VACCINATION Schedule …the reduction of world population , particularly non-european nations ...and the GENETIC MODIFICATION of HUMAN BEINGS, all directed to absolute totalitarian control of humanity, enslavement, under a one world fascist order, what Muslims call a dajjaali order.

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