shukr (gratitude)

Regardless of whether we interpret our situation as easy or difficult, Muslims believe that every situation we face is placed before us by Allah for a reason, and that ultimately in that reason there is good and benefit for us. For this we are thankful to Allah.




significance of fasting


Fasting during the holy month of Ramadaan is the key to a true, sincere, comprehensive and universal thanksgiving. Many people are unable to appreciate most of the bounties they enjoy since they suffer no hunger. 




surviving the 'assimilation storm'


Today the ‘melting pot’ is hotter than ever, popular culture is stronger than ever, and the influence and reach of the media is greater than it ever has been. What is the chance of survival for Muslims being raised in the eye of the 'assimilation storm'? Well, the answer is a resounding 'Yes!'. We can indeed survive as Muslims in the West. But it won’t happen without properly guided effort and collaboration within the Muslim community... And the time to act is now !

sydney hostage crisis


Many on both ends of the political spectrum are being radicalized by Australia's unconditional support for US military misadventures in the Middle East. Our disgust at what happened in Sydney should not stop us from having an honest, grown-up debate about Australia’s failed foreign policy and where it has led the country.

syria & end times


The events we see unfolding today are part of a series of events that lead to the end of history, as accurately described by our beloved Prophet Muhammad [s]. When viewed in the current context, the war on Iraq, the 2006 war on Lebanon, the 2011 war on Libya, the ongoing war on Syria and Iraq, the war in Yemen, and the process of regime change in Egypt, must also be understood in relation to the Zionist plans to further 'Balkanize' the Middle East, and it’s broader global ambitions to emerge as the next ruling state of the world.